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    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    Dishonored Should Overseers Come to Call, Know Your Strictures, One and All.

    Dishonored Should Overseers Come to Call, Know Your Strictures, One and All.

    Should Overseers Come to Call, Know Your Strictures, One and All.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:03 AM PST

    May I have this dance?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 07:38 PM PST

    Just went through a tough move and I finally got power so of course I’m gonna play my favorite game

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:20 PM PST

    Guard is not in the mood

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:57 AM PST

    I just finished dishonured 1. And all i gotta say is that Samuel is a god damn boss.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:21 AM PST

    In low chaos hes the unsung hero that always had our back and always believed in Corvo.

    And in high chaos he fires a shot as soon as you land in the last mission to tell the others that youve arrived.

    "Id wish you luck but id be lying" omfg had me dying. I hope hes in the second game.

    submitted by /u/IndyThang
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    Daud's Canonical choices

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:50 AM PST


    We have a lot of guides and discussions regarding Corvo's and Emily's canonical methods of dealing with targets, as well as some of their minor actions. The same, however, can't be said about Daud in his DLC's, we have but a few threads about it and most of them end up being pretty vague (sometimes even inconsistent). So I seek to open up a discussion about this very topic and try to get a definitive answer about the canonicity of The Knife of Dunwall and Brigmore Witches. Allow me to start with some of the clues I've collected:

    • First, the obvious:

    - Corvo did not kill Daud, as he appears later on "The Return of Daud" novel and "Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider" DLC.

    - Billie Lurk was spared, as she appears in Dishonored 2 and its DLC.

    - The non-lethal approach was applied to Delilah, as she returns in Dishonored 2

    - Brigmore Witches was completed in low chaos, because, if done in high chaos, Corvo kills Daud in the end of it.

    • Now to the interesting stuff:

    - When asking for his life to canonical Corvo (low chaos), Daud mentions: "the men you work for asks you to kill for them, but you found some other way. You took a path I could have followed, but did not". To me, this implies that Daud, independent of his overall chaos level, did not employ the non-lethal approaches to at least most of his targets.

    - In the beginning of "The Brigmore Witches", a book can be found in the whaler's hideout titled "The Knife of Dunwall, a Survivor's Tale" which depicts Daud's actions in Rothwild Slaughterhouse (during the mission "A Captain of Industry"). There, it is said that the assassin killed guards and civilians indiscriminately during the sequence. A point could be made about the book being overseer's propaganda, which is highly implied throughout it, making it possible that the events in it were exaggerated. The important point is: the book has 2 versions - one if the slaughterhouse was destroyed and one if it wasn't. The same book is present in the novel "The Corroded Man" and it adopts the version that says the place was blown up, making it canon that Daud took Abigail's offer and sabotaged the slaughterhouse. (Taking this option also makes it pointless to non-lethally take out Rothwild, as he will die in the explosion well before he's shipped out to Tyvia).

    - The dream sequence at the start of Brigmore Witches changes depending on the overall chaos level of the previous DLC - The Knife of Dunwall. If done in high chaos, before the start of the fight against Corvo, the masked assassin can be seen killing a whaler and, if done in low chaos, he can be seen chocking him. This could be a indicator of a low chaos Knife of Dunwall, as Corvo canonicaly avoid killing. This, however, can be rightly contested, as canon Corvo did not necessarily killed NO ONE and even if he did end the main game full clear hands, there's no evidence that Daud's dream is, in fact, a vision.

    I couldn't find anything else, please, if know of some detail, add to this thread. Based on his comportment (especially the one in "A Captain of Industry"), it could be said that Daud always favor's the easiest way possible for his approaches, not caring about the morality or repercussions of it. This, of course, bugs me. Wasn't Daud changing after he killed the empress the whole point of this set of DLCs? What has changed if he stills the same cold blooded inconsequential assassin? I also leave this question for you. Thanks in advance for every contribution and sorry for any typos, english is not my first language.

    submitted by /u/Dandelion217
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    First time playthrough taking a while ����

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:57 PM PST

    It's so satisfying to look back at your own destruction after a big fight...

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:23 AM PST

    Things I Love about Dishonored

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:48 AM PST

    The first dishonored game is one of my favourite games of all time and I was thinking the other day why that is. I think the reason I love it so much is that Dunwall feels like a living place. The city feels as if it would keep on going ans functioning even if the player wasn't there to watch it and his comes across in all the parts of the game.

    The clothing looks like something that someone would wear in real life. I could talk for hours actually about the clothing that ppl wear in dishonored. The aristocrats wear elegant clothes that look expensive and considered whilst the clothing of the ordinary working class citizens of Dunwall looks comfortable and practical. The uniforms that the overseers and city watch officers wear as well look like real world uniforms, particularly the uniforms of the overseers. The overseer uniforms especially their masks look like something that has a long history in the world. They also look very religious, almost like what a priest would wear if he was going to war (which I suppose is what the overseers are haha!).

    The homes in Dunwall also feel like lived in spaces, from the opulence of the Boyle estate to the dingy dirty weeper dens everywhere feels as if somewhere a person lives or lived. Each piece of art looks like the person seriously thought abt it and chose it especially for their home. The architecture looks very realistic and also just down right beautiful. I live in London and I think you could put any building from Dunwall and place it in London and it wouldn't look out of place, that's how realistic this game is.

    I could go on forever as I'm just scratching the surface of what I love abt the game. What are some of your favourite things abt this game?

    submitted by /u/PrinceofMindx
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    Can somebody please help me with this puzzle

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:39 PM PST

    Dishonoured 2- I am going to roleplay on my 2nd playthrough.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:07 PM PST

    On my 1st play through I played Emily kaldwin with powers and killed a lot of people on my way to the end.

    But now on my 2nd playthrough I wanna play as a non lethal Emily without powers. I will only allow myself to kill the witches (because they're evil) and the assassination targets( Mostly because whenever you kill the targets you get to see a cool animation that you don't get to see if you take them out non lethally). In my 1st playthrough I almost did the reverse, take out all targets non lethally but killed a few guards, enough to get me the high chaos ending. My Emily sees all of the guards as having been brainwashed so she will not kill these people.

    I really like how this game gives you more options for non lethal. You have darts that caused targets to flee and forget, you can blind them, you can make them sleep. You can non lethally attack from above, choke or, take them out with a sliding non lethal attack (which is actually pretty difficult to master but you look pretty badass when you get the hang of it)

    And will killing only the witches give me a high chaos ending?

    So far I am on the 2nd mission and it's really interesting to already see the differences in the world with low chaos environment.

    submitted by /u/Ok_Subject_9740
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    How come there was only 1 DLC for dishonoured 2?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:35 AM PST

    Dishonoured 1 was and is my favourite game ever since I first played it and I loved the dlcs for it, liked 2 but not as much as one and just started to get back to it when I realised there was only one dlc. How come?

    submitted by /u/throwaway84629365629
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    Which Dishonored 1 level is fastest and easiest for non-lethal without alerting anyone? Faceless/Specter achievement

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:28 AM PST

    I only just started the game but when I try to go non-lethal, the finish screen still shows kills. Did the rats eat the unconsious bodies?

    Is there a way to check during the mission if certain criteria (how many guards killed or alerted) have been met or if I failed already?

    submitted by /u/Hutzlipuz
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    Q about Summon Assassin

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:27 AM PST

    Playing KoD and wanted to finally use the summon assassin power, but I'm in complete shock that seemingly no matter what I do, my assassins cannot be stealthy. Seriously I'll put them behind 1 guy in a closed room and they somehow alert him?!? Like?!?

    Am I doing something wrong or are the whalers actually just terrible at stealth

    submitted by /u/tcloud121
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    Dishonored collection

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:04 AM PST

    This my first post here so My bad if I'm breaking the rules but I want to buy the dishonored collection but I already have dishonored 2 if I buy it will I get a discount or some type of refund (I'm on ps4 btw)

    submitted by /u/JiffyIsThatGuy
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    Question regarding the duel with Daud.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:51 PM PST

    I played Dishonored for many times and each times I faught Daud he either loses the duel in 10 or so hits or lose immediately after just 3 sword slashes.

    Can someone explain to me how this works? I really like fighting daud so it's a damn shame every time I get through that mission and he loses in just 3 hits like that.

    submitted by /u/bhaizett
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    Please Tell me There's a Mod to Disable Corvo's Voice Acting in Dishonored Two

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 06:41 PM PST

    Its incessant and constant, badly acted and just spewing the same exposition you've alread gotten three times already from the environment, other characters and mission logs over again to beat you over the head with what to do.

    I can't stand it, please help!

    submitted by /u/infinitedodge
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