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    Dishonored Using a Level 2 Rat Swarm on that one lone guard be like

    Dishonored Using a Level 2 Rat Swarm on that one lone guard be like

    Using a Level 2 Rat Swarm on that one lone guard be like

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 03:02 AM PST

    The strongest people with the mark of the outsider

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:29 PM PST

    Personally I always figured the Marks themselves were all more or less equal, but that power expressed itself in different ways based on the individual. They might be really powerful in one aspect, but lose out on being able to do other things. Also, D2 Delilah was amped, her non-standard Mark powers don't count.

    • .1. Daud

    One of the most experienced, he's had his Mark for the longest, 2nd only to Granny Rags (who is crazy, and on the "weaker" end). What he lacks in knowledge of the magic and the Void, he makes up with personal combat ability. Speed, Strength, Reflexes, Agility, Vitality - all combined with his incredible skill make him a nearly unbeatable enemy for ... basically everybody in the world except Corvo. He already beat Delilah, could beat Granny same as Corvo, already beat Billie when she was at her peak, immune to most of Emily's powers.

    He's been an assassin for something like 20 years as of Dishonored 1. Literally infamous through all of them Empire, (Dunwall at least), parents tell stories of Daud to scare their children into behaving, grown men fear to even whisper his name. He was fully and easily capable of killing the most important and powerful figures in the entire Empire, be that the Empress or even the paranoid Lord Regent with all their resources and protection.

    While Corvo edges him out in personal power, he makes up for that with his Arcane Bond. Sharing his abilities with his Whalers, he's got an army of shadows at his back with merely a gesture. What Delilah's Witches have in magic ability, the Whalers have in their physical prowess, sharing in Daud's speed and strength. Just a few of them would be a worthy challenge for even people like Corvo, and if Daud were to bring his entire organization to bare, I don't think there is a single force in the world that could stop him.

    Side note: He's and his Whalers have Pull. Basically telekinesis, it's probably one of the most practical and useful powers that we've seen, essentially making it impossible to be beaten by anybody without some teleportation or magic ability of their own.

    I've always believed that Granny was siphoning his powers to share with the Torturer. Not only that, but IMO he's the reason Delilah's Blood-Briar's have Pull, and the reason her Witch's have Thorns. She'd have heard stories of the legendary assassin growing up, and been influenced by tales of his Whalers and their wristbows and strange telekinetic abilities, and inspired to make a group of her own.

    I want you to imagine for a second; the Regent finds Daud's hideout and sends a battalion of troops to storm the place. Do you know what happens? Daud Stops Time, and say, 30 of the Whalers actually share his immunity. Even 10 seconds is enough for each and every one of them to kill 3 people with how fast they can teleport, in and out. Nearly a hundred dead in the first second. How do you oppose something like that? Delilah got lucky, conspiring with Billie to attack while Daud was gone and when the Overseers could bring their music boxes.

    • .2. Delilah

    What she lacks in the physical abilities shared by Corvo, Daud, Emily, and Billie she more than makes up for with her magic, rituals, and coven of Witches. Sure, she requires prep-time, but with a paining she could permanently possess the Empress. With time, she can create dozens of statues in her image, that she can bring to life with nearly all of her abilities. She can empower a coven of Witches, out-powered only Daud's Whalers, they have even more abilities than they do, teleportation, Thorns, that Shriek, crafting bone-charms, creating Grave-Hounds. Sure, she requires prep-time, but her potential can't be ignored.

    • .3. Corvo

    Foregoing any kind of Arcane Bond, he can't take take the top two spots only because he lacks an army at his back. Instead, Corvo has the most personal power. Offensively, there isn't anybody in the world that can match him in a 1v1. With the physicals enhancements to fight with the likes of Daud, perhaps even a bit superior with a sword. Between his huge Rat Swarms, Windblast, Blink Assault, and Bend Time, he could carve his way through huge groups of enemies and nobody could touch him. With such a huge arsenal of offensive powers at his disposal, he bested even Daud in a fight.

    Not limited merely to open combat, his stealth/assassination experience is 2nd only to Daud (and maybe Billie Lurk). With Possession, Shadow Kill, Bend Time, Blink, he can ghost through an area without a trace, with only his daughter's powers being superior for stealth.

    • .4. Emily

    Similar to Corvo, with a good combination of combat and stealth powers. Where Corvo leans heavily towards combat, Emily leans farther into the magic utility side. Mesmerize and Domino working nearly as good as Windblast against groups, but with drastically more versatility. Shadow Walk making her stealthier than even Daud, slipping into small places even easier than Corvo with Possession, brutally killing or magically incapacitating any enemies she comes across.

    Then her bread and butter, Far Reach. More range and mobility than Corvo's Blink, nearly all of the utility and power of Daud's Pull. Again, showing off Emily's balance of power and versatility. She's also introduced power to craft her own bonecharms, enhancing or altering her powers in ways only Delilah can best.

    • .5. Granny Rags

    Crazy and Mysterious. Blind but with more insight and knowledge than nearly anybody else. What she lacks in physical prowess and combat, she makes up with huge amounts of control with what few powers she does have. Giant swarms of rats, covering an entire area in thick fog, knowing her way through the world despite not being able to see.

    Enough arcane knowledge to siphon power from Daud and share it with others. She made herself literally immortal, unkillable so long as her cameo was safe, something Delilah could only do after becoming part of the Void.

    • .6. Billie Lurk

    Special Mention - She doesn't actually have a Mark, but enough powers to compete anyway. Trained by Daud himself, she's one of the best assassins in the world, and just as good in a fight. Besting even Emily IMO, by virtue of experience (she had literally been fighting for ~23 years before Emily did in D2).

    Displace, not quite as versatile as Far Reach, it's faster than even Daud's Blink. Slipping through cracks, or past glass, it doubles as an incredible infiltration power. As if that weren't good enough, Displace Interpenetration makes it an incredible combat ability (with the right Bone Charms), competing even with Far Reach or Blink Assault.

    Foresight is just straight better than the other Void Gaze / Dark Vision powers. Sneaking through small cracks, combo-ing with Displace, highlighting enemies and predicting their paths. More range too.

    Semblance - Arguably better than Corvo's Possession, she can waltz into any place she likes with nobody none the wiser. As if she wasn't sneaky enough, now nobody could see her coming.

    Unfortunately, without a Mark of her own, she simply lacks in the power the others have. None of the Magic abilities of Delilah, Granny, or even Emily. None of the physical boosts that Corvo, Daud, and Emily all have. However, she's made up for a bit of this by collecting the Twin-Bladed Knife:

    The Knife gives her bone-charm crafting on the level of any other. We've seen how much power it offers in the hands of the Corroded Man. With it she can make charms to enhance her physicals or alter her powers to fight in the same league as the others. Void Strike adding to her offensive powers like a weak Pull or Windblast.

    Personally, I think "Peak Billie Lurk" would have been when she fought Daud. She would have still been young and in her prime. Fueled by the Arcane Bond of BOTH Daud and Delilah. With all the physical enhancements from Daud with the magic powers of the Witches. With Daud's Bond she was fast, strong, durable, resistant to poison and disease, immune to Bend Time. She had Transversals and Pull (well, probably, didn't have it in that fight, but neither did Daud, lul). From Delilah she gained, at minimum, the Shriek and Thorns powers. Could you imagine if she also learned bonecharm crafting, or how to make Gravehounds, or summon Blood-Briar's of her own? Honestly that's what I expected to happen before Death of the Outsider came out, I figured she'd get both sets of Bonded Powers back. Displace, Foresight, and Semblance are cool, but it'd have been really really awesome to get an updated version of Pull, or to be able to summon Blood-Briars or throw out Grave-Hound skulls.

    • .7. Rat Boy

    The weakest of all the Mark'd we know of. He controlled rats. Head canon that he's the reason the Rat Plague got out of control, but other than that we don't know much about him.

    submitted by /u/sublime119
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    Any way to play as witch (using commands or bonecharms)???

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 02:03 PM PST

    What should I do?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 04:37 AM PST

    In dishonored 2, every time I try to enter the grand palace the game crashes. It's my 4th playthrough. I have tried restarting the game, pc, reload save, restart mission, everything I found online and nothing works

    submitted by /u/AasinR
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    Worst enemy/enemies in Dishonored series ?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:59 PM PST

    For me deff witches and their dogs I hate every aspect of them

    submitted by /u/popokakal285
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    I got a glitched ending

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:58 PM PST

    I played lethal run in Dishonored 2 as corvo at the end i killed Delilah and she didn't teleport to the void and now if I chose Emily or throne I see nothing what now ?

    submitted by /u/popokakal285
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    Is the Dishonored franchise getting any upgrade on the ps5?

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 01:09 PM PST

    Placed in his own prison. Welcome to the final mystery

    Posted: 05 Feb 2021 06:47 PM PST

    Black Market Shops

    Posted: 06 Feb 2021 12:04 AM PST

    Dont you guys love when a shop owner is walking up to the front and you spam the talk button which then flings the shop owner out of the shop on fire? It's great 😂

    submitted by /u/Tsole96
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