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    Monday, September 13, 2021

    Dishonored Dishonored 2's story is good in the moment to moment

    Dishonored Dishonored 2's story is good in the moment to moment

    Dishonored 2's story is good in the moment to moment

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    The criticism for D2's narrative is a dead horse at this point with a nonexhaustive list of issues (an awkward framing with the second coup, repeats D1's story, makes little sense upon inspection, a bit pretentious, etc). I agree with all of this, and I also agree with the games most lauded accomplishment, the level design, which at this point is just showing off and I love that it is. These two categories, story and gameplay, are separated here in terms of criticism, and I think that's left one of D2's accomplishments overlooked because it falls in a sort of synthesis of story and gameplay.

    TLDR The naratives of each individual level are fantastic, potentially even surpassing D1.

    It's a bit of a macro vs micro thing. As a whole, the story fails to uphold its quality from beginning to end, but if you view each level as their own microcosm of story, there's so much good to talk about. They interweave level design and narrative so seemlessly sometimes that I cry that some people just aren't going to notice the craftmanship.

    The best example is probably Jindosh and his clockwork mansion. The theme, explicitly alluded to by Jindosh as he taunts you, is cat and mouse - Jindosh has you cornered, and you have to outsmart him in his own lair. Because of the game's freeform nature, you can play to this tune however you want. The set up is essentially a joke at the expense of Jindosh, and you as the mouse get to determine the build up to the punchline. You can play along for a bit, gradually breaking script as you get a handle on the mansion, with Jindosh realizing by the end that it's all out of his hands now. You can also never even look at the script and circumvent the whole thing, the joke now being that Jindosh was out of his league and that it was NEVER a contest to begin with.

    I've explained the level primarily through its narrative, and what's great is that some of you were probably able to visualize the level through it. Vice versa, if I had explained the level's mechanics instead, you could get a clear sense of the narrative. That's impressive, and it illustrates how D2 knows the strength of its medium.

    Take another example, Duke Abele's palace. After hearing the couple talk about the vault key being the Duke, I decided to infiltrate the palace from the top down. I immediately discovered the exposed elevator shaft and found the real Duke in his office/bedroom. He tells his guard to leave, who I knock out and hide at the top of the shaft. I'm looking for the body double, so I pickpocket the key and I head to the next floor, which hosts an office and Delilah's old quarters. On the balcony, two.nobles are talking excitedly and cautiously about the future conquests of the Duke. I went to the next floor, and it's the main hall. Two more nobles are talking about potential glory, and a harp player stops playing to ask the pianist why the hell they're even there. I headed outside then and find one of the garden areas where three nobles have been throwing fruit and knives at a now dead servant. Horrified, I killed them with a combo of domino and far reach, then dumped their bodies into the ocean.

    Having a... fresh perspective on the nobility, I went to the vault to do main plot stuff and discover a convenient exit to the evac point for the mission. After this, I headed to the throne room where the body double was, who agreed to the body swap. i already knew where the Duke was, so I went and dealt with him. I took the exit I mentioned before, not before addressing Karnaca over the speaker, and met up with Meagan.

    There are a thousand other details that occured in this mission, but my point is that the level itself tells a dynamic story. Here, the theme of noble debauchery and horrid hedonism is expressed throughout the whole palace, debauchery that is about to come to an end the unknown new duke as you leave out the back door. The only subtractions to the is that main plot stuff in the vault, with the weird nothing relationship with the mother/wife-heart coming to its overly felt conclusion. But that's a symptom of the larger narrative and not what's occuring in the moment gameplay.

    A short term for this would possibly be "atmosphere," but that doesn't cover the actual interactions and crafted moments within the levels. I think D2 subtly wins a lot of people over in these more play-centric story moments before disappointing them with the contrivances of the main plot. But they're seemless nature also obfuscates them, leaving them appreciated.

    TLDR Moment to moment good, overarching plot bad lol

    submitted by /u/NukaJack
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    this seemed like an appropriate sound effect

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:07 PM PDT

    Does anyone know a good video/walkthrough that covers both coins and collectables

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    This is my second playtrough and this time I'm getting all collectables and as many coins as possible for the well funded trophy/achievement. Does anyone know a good guide that goes trough everything?

    Edit: Forgot to say that I'm talking about Dishonored 2.

    submitted by /u/BOJIDAR_25
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    I was so stupid! I just realized about this (spoilers: its about a power)

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:50 PM PDT

    Ok ok so I gotta explain myself

    I started playing the first Dishonored last week im on mission 3 on dishonored 2 now and I was replaying dishonored 1 and I just realized:

    Actually Blink is not a teleporation power ok I havent seen the wiki yet but im going to explain how it works

    My first thought was that it was teleportation power so you instantly move I hear you saying in one animation you see him travelling to the spot you blinked in

    Well my second thought was that it was a gate let me explain

    my thoughts were that when you activate the power you open a gate then you travel to the location you aimed in this would prove the animation but I was just playing Dishonored 1 and in one of the loading screens

    boom bam boom

    it said blink was a rapid movement

    what does this mean?

    it means that blink was actually us moving at a high speed silently

    this also explains the name since we move fast enough or we move in a blink of an eye

    I cant believe I did not realize this oh my god

    submitted by /u/Dominatroy
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    Silent assassination techniques in Dishonored 2

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 02:02 AM PDT

    I'd love to run the game with low Chaos, but the constant strangulation of enemies looks a little boring. I know there are many ways to neutralize them, but I would like to kill them in a way that the game considers them to be accidents. A couple of times I did it in the second and third missions, where I set wasps and wolfhounds on the guard. I understand that in each situation you need to act differently, but are there any techniques that could help me get rid of enemies and not "stain my hands with blood"?

    All thanks for answers.

    submitted by /u/EndlessYoung
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    Does anyone feel like the games having a 'cannon' sorta makes your decisions meaningless?

    Posted: 12 Sep 2021 10:28 PM PDT

    I feel like it does a bit. Why would you make a game that gives you so many choices to then wave your hands and stutter "no, no, no that didn't actually happen" at the end of the games? I killed Daud and Billie, why are they still alive? Assuming Emily survived I can forgive because it's more an easter egg ending and you sorta have to try to get her killed. I don't know, it just feels like they shouldn't have made cannon choices for a series that is special for giving you choices.

    submitted by /u/Republicandoanything
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    Billy lurk

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 12:58 PM PDT

    maybe I'm reigniting some bad memorys but i wanted to make sure I'm not the only 1 disappointed in death of the outsider its still good but idk why it wasn't just a dlc. replayed it recently for billy lurk lore but there isn't much tbh thats the thing i don't like most about the game.

    submitted by /u/Sardines_VaRe
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    Me very Angy

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:30 PM PDT

    I was doing a ghost run in Dishonored 1, and apparently i failed both requirements, because i only thought to not directly fight granny rags in the sewer AFTER both autosaves, which were in the same place, mind you, at opening the sewer door. also somehow someone died. I have no idea how, so now i have to do the ENTIRE FUCKING FLOODED DISTRICT again. yay, this game is great, with it's 2 autosaves per mission. thank you Arkane.

    submitted by /u/Masterninjamt
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    Return to Dust District bug?

    Posted: 13 Sep 2021 01:02 PM PDT

    Hey all, can anyone confirm if this is a bug? I've just successfully gotten through the mansion, seen the Delilah's ritual, gone through the Outsider's vision, and returned to the Dust District. As soon as I open the door on the other side, though, I'm put face to face with maybe 8 Howlers. who instantly see me. There's so many of them that it's literally impossible for me to get by them without killing them. When I proceed, the Dust District does not appear to have changed at all, but all the walkthroughs I'm looking at seem to suggest that my travels through time should have changed the Dust District. Is this a bug?

    submitted by /u/DrCrypt
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