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    Wednesday, September 15, 2021

    Dishonored IGN you ok? Comparing a stealth choice based game with a full blown tactical nuking game.

    Dishonored IGN you ok? Comparing a stealth choice based game with a full blown tactical nuking game.

    IGN you ok? Comparing a stealth choice based game with a full blown tactical nuking game.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    What else did they buy?��

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    I found this in Deathloop and laughed for like 5 minutes.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 12:19 AM PDT

    *proceeds to get catapulted into the void*

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    Doing my 2nd play through of D1, clean hands/ghost. Just noticed the weeper where you grab your gear back is Overseer Campbell. Love these little niches within the game.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 12:37 AM PDT

    Making moves in the shadows, let's go!

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:23 AM PDT


    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Why did Daud capture Corvo?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 07:14 AM PDT

    While Corvo is breaking the conspiracy, Daud out of regrets saves Emily from Delilah. Daud HAS regrets immediately for killing Jessamine and even in the intro he says about Corvo "dead eyes...i knew i'd pay for this one", so whats his problem with Corvo then if its not personal and if he is full of grief? I looked up wiki and even there it says "Despite this, he is still willing to turn Corvo in for the monetary reward it will yield for him showing despite regrets he still had a cold demeanor he holds on to until the fight with Corvo.", which makes no sense for Daud to act like that. Is that actually a plothole or maybe i'm missing something?

    submitted by /u/Silent-Jury-6685
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    Link to Dishonored Vs COD MW

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    We're not going down without a fight. Give em hell and let them know the wrath of the outsider and all who bare his mark.


    submitted by /u/Yharl_Ballin
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    Fun little dishonored reference in Arkane's new game "Deathloop"

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 08:24 PM PDT

    Did anyone else actually really like Treavor Pendleton for some reason?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 07:42 PM PDT

    He's a despicable character obviously, but I love to hate him. I don't know if it's the voice acting, or the character himself, but he's one of my favourite's somehow.

    submitted by /u/PawQueen-MotherOfArt
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    What is Deathloop

    Posted: 15 Sep 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    I was confused about what's this game untill launch, so after the first day I tried to explain without spoiling anything, in a short 3 minutes video. Done this to help anybody who's on edge about purchasing this game :)


    submitted by /u/Skrysekh
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    Your take on Deathloop.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:39 PM PDT

    I'm a huge Arkane fan currently on vacation, so I can't play DL until the 26th. For context, I love both D1 and D2, for different reasons and always felt like D2 get a lot of unwarranted hate. I have already heard the complaints about PC optimisation/denuvo and those about the lack of non-lethal options. What I'm looking for is honest takes about the play experience from the fans of the previous titles, looking forward to hearing your disparate opinions!(obviously, no spoilers, please)

    submitted by /u/el_Storko
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    My review of Dishonored 1 and 2 (spoilers about your equipment)

    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    When I first heard about Dishonored I thought "meh its just a hitman ripoff" well I was wrong it was more than that.

    Ive tried thief definitive edition and well it was meh I mean it was good but it doesnt have that interesting factor that other stealth games have which just draws me in the game and separetes it from other stealth games.

    So the first time ive tried Dishonored I was like im tired of this boring unskippable intro I WANT ACTION so I deleted it (im so dumb omg)

    ok the second time ive actually finished the game

    and this is my review of Dishonored

    first up is the gameplay Dishonored is a stealh action game so what does it do in gameplay?

    It has the regular sneak from the back and then kill them but I was shocked to see you can knock them out which was really interesting since most stealth games makes you go kill them all you can also go drop down on the enemies which is only lethal on the first game but lets all be honest when do you actually use drop non lethal takedown?

    now lets talk about range combat you can use a total of two weapons to close range (well one since the pistol sucks) the crossbow which has three bolts you can buy from pietro or find in the game (im pretty sure you cant buy the incendiary bolt from pietro) the first bolt is well a bolt headshot=kill but here is an amazing thing helmets block that arrows which make perfect sense since there is no way a small crossbow like that can pierce through that in order to kill these type of guys aim for the spot where theyre helmet is not there ie when they have a cap their face when an overseer theyre back the second bolt is sleeping bolt similar to the first one but it knocks them out instead it cant pierce through armor and helmet

    the third one is incendiary bolt which is idk I never used it since its useless for me

    The gun is a normal gun but here is the thing its more of a shotgun yup

    lets talk about the remaining equipment

    The grenade is similar to grenades from other games

    The springrazor is sort of a motion trap when an enemy goes into that range? byebye

    now lets talk about the most interesting equipment

    You have different powers which you can unlock by getting runes

    Blink is a rapid movement that instantly makes you move to that spot the upgrade increases the distance you can blink youre gonna use this for sneaking through the places and I gotta say without this dishonored is not dishonored

    Dark Vision lets you see enemies through walls basically detective vision from batman the upgrade lets you see where to find the whale oil that powers security systems

    This is the same power but oh boi its different when you upgrade it when you first buy it its called bend time which just slows down time for a while not interesting meh but oh boi upgrade the power and you get Stop time you literally stop time though only for a few seconds btw please note this cost so much mana

    The summon thinghy is you summoning a horde of rats the upgrade increases the number of rat

    Windblast is like shockwave so it sends enemies flying the upgrade increases the force and you can break weak wooden doors

    Possesion lets you possess rats the upgrade lets you possess humans you can open doors but you cannot sprint

    as for the other upgrades

    Agility lets you double jump the upgrade increases your sprint speed

    Health or vitality increases your health the upgrade increases health regen

    (also when I say the upgrade when you buy it you can upgrade it)

    The bloodthirsthy lets you kill a person more brutally the upgrade lets you charge it more quickly

    The shadow kill basically when you kill someone who didnt notice you the body disappears thanos snap style the upgrade makes eveyr single kill of you noticed or not thanos snap

    as for the maps I like it there are over 25 different ways to kill a single target which is amazing

    I like how changing difficulty makes the game change so much

    Ik the review seems short but no spoilers for the story

    The dishonored 2 review

    I must first adress the elephant in the room the optimization this game and deathloop has bad optimization at launch so I must deduct points for this game

    to improve performance check this reddit post https://www.reddit.com/r/dishonored/comments/5cf1xk/2030_fps_boost_in_dishonored_2/

    I will keep this short since most of the review is the same as the first one

    The powers here has been upgraded there is now more

    (im only talking about corvo idk about emily)

    everything is the same but there is a couple of updates

    you can now drop non lethal takedown

    you can combat choke

    more new powers

    im sorry the dishonored 2 review is short but its sorta samey with a couple of updates and without spoiling the story this is the only thign I can say dishonored 2 is better than dishonored 1 in gameplay and story but I prefer dishonored 1 for replayability and I hate the (spoilers) enemy

    submitted by /u/Dominatroy
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    Posted: 14 Sep 2021 04:55 PM PDT

    Those who have purchased and played Deathloop: how is it? Is it worth it? Is it fun? How good is it stacked up against dishonored?

    submitted by /u/GeraltofRivvia
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