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    Monday, December 20, 2021

    Dishonored Apologies in advance if this ain’t the place.. but after watching Arcane, Silco reminds me of a dishonored character but I cannot remember who. Any ideas?

    Dishonored Apologies in advance if this ain’t the place.. but after watching Arcane, Silco reminds me of a dishonored character but I cannot remember who. Any ideas?

    Apologies in advance if this ain’t the place.. but after watching Arcane, Silco reminds me of a dishonored character but I cannot remember who. Any ideas?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 10:58 AM PST

    "There are no stars in the sky here. There is no sky." by mia minnis

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 10:26 PM PST

    Goodbye, Meagan - my fanart

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 04:57 AM PST

    Here’s a preview of my piece in our upcoming Dishonored fanzine!

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 01:30 PM PST

    Remember my post from a few days ago where I lamented about dying in a no-death, no powers run to an Arc Pylon in Abele's throne room? Here's me dying to a different Pylon in the Palace because (I'm assuming) a fish swam nearby. I am very happy. I am not filled with burning rage.

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 03:12 AM PST

    What will Arkane lyon do next After a maybe deathloop dlc?

    Posted: 20 Dec 2021 12:02 AM PST

    What do you think?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/mr-logan-charles
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    Imagine if dishonored was an open world game

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 10:31 PM PST

    How do you think this would work/look?

    submitted by /u/SynatraPlays
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    Right call for lady Boyle?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 12:21 PM PST

    Hey all, I'm playing the lady Boyle mission now in D1 and am at a slight loss about what to do. Until now I've done the non-lethal option for every target, and felt that even though they were pretty cruel sometimes, it was a better option then just killing them. Now that I found out that the option for this mission is to help someone who's probably a rapist kidnap the target, I feel like going lethal is the more merciful option. What do you guys think? And does this effect the ending if nobody else gets killed?

    submitted by /u/DoctorCringe21
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    Void engine has some much untapped potential, its damn frustrating. (Dishonored 2/Deathloop engine)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 04:31 PM PST

    For those unaware Void engine was built upon id Tech 5, which was used by Wolfenstein TNO and Rage. Even for the time id Tech 5 was a hot messy, but the newest iteration of the engine is damn incredible. Doom Eternal is so damn pretty, but it runs ridiculously well. Not saying that making iterations of an engine is easy. I just think with the right kind of push, Void can be one of the premier game engines. Especially since Microsoft owns Arkane now.

    submitted by /u/TheHotshot1080
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    Corvos mark

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 02:41 PM PST

    I was playing and I noticed that his mark only appeared when using his powers? The mark only started to appear without power usage halfway through the game. Is this normal or a feature left to lower chaos? I thought I remembered the mark always being on his hand. Dishonored 1 btw

    submitted by /u/Belicino_Corlan
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    Bother with non-lethal on new-game+?

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 07:53 AM PST

    I've finished dishonored 1 + the dlcs some weeks ago and now finished dishonored 2 in low chaos. I played most of the missions with a stealth and non-lethal mindset getting the good ending in the end while even completing some missions with 0 detections and 0 kills on that first playthrough.

    Now I started new game + and my question is whether I should bother with going non-lethal and 100% stealth, as I did before, as in the last few missions playing like that just felt like a drag. I'll probably go stealth but lethal.

    submitted by /u/FlowingChameleon
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    Dishonored can't find GDKAPI.dll (Help)

    Posted: 19 Dec 2021 04:40 AM PST

    I want to play Dishonored 1 on the Xbox gamepass, but when I try to start it it says it couldn't find GDKAPI.dll. There were other three dll files it was missing (tbbmalloc, binkw64 and libcurl) but I managed to fix them by reinstalling them from google to the System 32 folder. Problem is, the file I'm missing is nowhere to be found and when I look it up there seems to be no results. Anyone here knows what I can do to fix this? (Sorry if this is inappropriately posted but I didn't know where else to ask).

    submitted by /u/Zanahoria78
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