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    Wednesday, December 15, 2021

    Dishonored Harvey Smith responded to a message of mine regarding cut content from Dishonored. Would’ve loved to see some of this!

    Dishonored Harvey Smith responded to a message of mine regarding cut content from Dishonored. Would’ve loved to see some of this!

    Harvey Smith responded to a message of mine regarding cut content from Dishonored. Would’ve loved to see some of this!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:40 PM PST

    Look awfully similar to whaler sword. (Khyber Knife/Choora)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 04:16 PM PST

    What would you like as an alternative to the heart in Dishonored 3?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 06:46 AM PST

    Since the heart was destroyed at the end of D2, what would you like as an alternative item to show you the directs of runes and bonecharmes as well as give you additional lore on characters and location? I think DotO had a good replacement with the Rat whispers but found them a bit repeating in the long run as well as only useable sometimes. What other ideas would you like lorewise and how should the game mechanics work?

    submitted by /u/HeWhoWearsAHatOfIvy
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    My insane theory: Colt was the new Outsider....possibly twice.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 05:28 PM PST

    Throughout the Dishonored series, it is revealed that The Outsider was born when a cult of the void sacrificed him at an altar at the "Ritual Hold". This area of the Void is said to be located at the Shindaerey Quary, but the Void is known to shift and move. At one point the Knife that made The Outsider causes a temporal breach in the Tyvian North, for example.

    The Dishonored Wikipedia summarizes the ritual as:

    When his mortal life was brought to an end, he was "merged in part with the Void" and reborn a god. The site of his transfiguration remains intact and serves as a vault of power, which others are able to harness.

    Now it's explained this cult based the date of this sacrifice off signs in the stars and migratory patterns of animals. In essence, the Void gave hints that it hungered for a new Avatar.

    We also know that the Envisioned only had access to the Ritual Hold. How exactly isn't clear, but either because of the eye relic left behind by a previous avatar, or because the veil between void and reality was thin enough to breach due to that same eye relic. Either way, the Sword to kill him seems to be their own creation.

    Of note, is the mention of some parts of the ritual to prepare the sacrafice:

    he was drugged with potions and smokes that made him forget his memories, including his own name and age

    that sounded curiously familiar...

    From this, we can tell that the creation of an avatar for the Void requires four things:

    1: The Void signals through the cosmos that it hungers for a new Avatar, through signs and wonders.

    2: Access to the Ritual Hold from either a previous Avatar or some weakness in the border to the void.

    3: The sacrificial victim.

    4: An object to carry into the void and kill said victim.

    Throughout Deathloop, we discover that the Army of the Motherland, like the envisioned, was watching for signs that The Anomaly was at the appropriate time to "enter the breach". We know that they timed Colt's flight with when they believed The Breach was "the most thin", seemingly an exact parallel to Shindaerey's shallow border between reality and the Void. We know that Colt was shot into the Breach, and we know he eventually was killed in that breached - by himself.

    By all accounts, if the Breach is simply the Void's Ritual Hold bubbling back to a thin spot in reality, Colt has fulfilled every criteria for a sacrifice to the void, thereby making him The Outsider.

    1: The Anomaly gave signs

    2: The Stabilizing Core granted access

    3: Colt was the victim

    4: The plane was possibly the relic to kill him.

    Now, this would be the case for his original loop in the 1930s. There are some questions. For example, why wasn't Colt's body and spirit separated like with the Original Outsider?

    Welllll here's a thinker: Why isn't the Outsider's throat cut when we find him? This is something that always seemed...strange to me. The Outsider's throat was cut. He died. And then his body was frozen in the Ritual Hold. Yet if we chose to free him at the end of DOTO, he appears fully healed like his throat was never cut at all. And if we don't show mercy, we have to cut his throat a second time. How does that make sense? We know the Outsider's throat was cut. He tells us. The Envisioned say he did. But it's not cut when we find his body....

    I propose a solution. Like Colt, the Outsider was trapped in a time loop. How long each loop lasts I do not know. There isn't any clear reason why a loop must be contained within a single day. Perhaps the Outsider's loop lasts a microsecond? Perhaps the Envisioned rock monsters are, like the Visionaries, stuck in the loop and unaware things are repeating every however-long it is. Though the Outsider would appear to be the primary anchor for this loop. Meanwhile, the rest of the world goes on outside of the Loop. This would explain why the Outsider's throat is healed when Billie finds it. His initial death would have started the loop, and then all that would be required would be maintaining him alive. Killing him would break the loop.

    Now, it's never explained why Colt killing himself in the initial loop broke it. He was never formally anchored to it in the same way Wenjie claims to have anchored the visionaries to the loop in the game. But I think we can assume in some sense he was the anchor in that loop based off something in Colt's minicom: A personal message between Julianna and Colt:https://deathloop.fandom.com/wiki/Private_Messages:_Colt,_Julianna

    [ColtJustColt] you still up?
    [Overarchiver] Listening to a record. Nervous about midnight.
    [ColtJustColt] it'll be fine. i've done it before, remember?
    [Overarchiver] Our badass captain!
    [ColtJustColt] just got back from the complex.
    [Overarchiver] Yeah? You walk all the way out there through your tunnels? You know we have cars, right?
    [ColtJustColt] checked out the control center.
    [Overarchiver] Pretty cool, right?
    [ColtJustColt] you did good work with limited resources. i'm impressed.
    [Overarchiver] Is that a compliment? An actual genuine compliment? From YOU?
    [ColtJustColt] i compliment people all the time.
    [Overarchiver] Every second of every day!
    [Overarchiver] Pretty amazing that despite all this infrastructure, the entire loop was run from that control room.
    [ColtJustColt] too much power in too few hands
    [ColtJustColt] really, just one person's hand.
    [Overarchiver] I'm not following...
    [ColtJustColt] nevermind. aeon is doing things the right way. we'll all find what we're looking for. goodnight julianna.
    [Overarchiver] Goodnight Colt.

    [AdminCharlie] User Session Suspended
    [AdminCharlie] Contact Charlie Montague for more information.

    Here, colt more or less admits the first loop was centered on himself. However, there's something odd about this message. Why does it exist? Think about it. The message implies this is the end of the first day, doesn't it? Julianna is worried about the reset at midnight. Doesn't that mean this is a message from the first first day? But then, how did it survive the reset? This message should have been erased.


    As we can see, Charlie banned Colt after this message. This means that it's not actually from the first day. It's from the day before the first day. This can get a bit confusing, but I think what Julianna and Colt were talking about in terms of midnight was the reset. That they would always reset to midnight, not that midnight would reset them back a day before that.

    Which means...how did Colt get to the beach? If he's talking to Julianna in Updaam then he's going to have to hike all the way down to the beach by midnight to arrive there for the loop's start.

    Think of it like this:

    If we imagine the first time the first day happened, no one was out to kill Colt yet. The protocols were not activated. Julianna had not yet alerted anyone to Colt's betrayal to start the initial cycle of violence, as she was not yet remembering Colt's murdering of her, as it had not started yet. Even Colt himself would not yet have known no one would remember that first day the next first day's morning. That means whatever happened on that first first day, we cannot speak for sure. Because neither Colt nor Julianna remembers it.

    All we would know is that after talking to Julianna that night on the minicom, he trekked down to the beach and got drunk.

    There is one possible way to explain the second loop: Someone did die on the first day, the first time it happened. And it was probably Colt.

    Consider for a moment that room by the beach where Colt had a map showing where everyone was on the island. Consider that Colt knows he was the anchor for the first loop. He knows more about loops than he lets on. I am not convinced he doesn't remember anything from the first loop. I think Colt was trying to anchor himself to the loop. But to do that, he knew on that first day that he would have to be the last one standing so that he could be the lone anchor left...aka the new Outsider.

    I think this was Colt's plan all along.

    But then, of course, he discovers Julianna is his daughter. Now there's a conundrum. Kill his daughter and become the Outsider? Or keep her alive and try to find a solution?

    On a related note, the fact that the first day after the loop breaks is all-red and firey reminds me of "The Great Burning" in Dishonored. And got me wondering if perhaps there's more than one loop at work :P We know that Julianna thinks there's a deeper mystery to the island too. The mysteries of the cosmos. Perhaps she wants to be the Outsider too?

    TL;DR: Colt accidentally became the Outsider in the first loop. After escaping it he sought to get back into that position to re-visit Lila. But he later found out that he would have to kill his own daughter. So now he has to share the Outsider role, or break the loop and try again.

    submitted by /u/-Harboringonalament-
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    Link to the Count of Monte Cristo.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 09:58 AM PST

    I read the whole story of The Count of Monte Cristo (about 1500 pages !) recently, and afterwards, I made a clear connection between it and Dishonored.

    Summary of this (fantastic!) novel for those who never heard about it.

    Both stories are about a young man whose life is going well (even if the context is way gloomier in Dishonored) until a bunch of people choose to betray him and accuse him of a crime he didn't commit. He is then sent to jail, only to escape and discover the people that betrayed him are now rich, powerful, and that her love is lost (dead in dishonored, married with another man in the COMC). He then takes revenge, "eliminating" one after the other every person that participated in the conspiracy.

    TCOMC is a monument of french literature and literature as a whole, and I wouldn't be surprised if they drew some inspiration out of it to build up Corvo's tale of revenge, even though I didn't find anything about it on the Internet.

    Your thoughts ?

    submitted by /u/AceIlyushin
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    StealthGamerBR, Volound, and other YouTubers' Blink

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 02:41 AM PST

    Though I'm aware that these people mentioned above use mods, I've noticed something else with how they use Corvo's Blink, and that is their Blink is somehow is almost as fast as Daud's Blink, minus the timestop. But whenever I use Corvo's Blink, as fast as it may be, it is not as fast as theirs.

    Is it possible they are using a mod that is not available on Nexus or Moddb, or an in-game engine tweak?

    submitted by /u/Gaspachu
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    Did the Loyalists not know Corvo had the mark of The Outsider?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 02:49 PM PST

    Walked into the Arc Pylon in the throne room of Duke Luca Abele's palace and ended my no-powers, no-deaths run. The pain is real.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2021 02:17 AM PST

    Why Dishonored 2 didn’t get an fps boost on Series XIS is beyond me

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 11:53 PM PST

    Does anyone know the reason why? It is so odd that other bethesda/arkane games have received the boost, hell even Death of the outsider runs at 60fps ffs

    submitted by /u/GoldBoy_san
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    What do you think about DOTO not having an upgrade system?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 02:18 PM PST

    Personally, it's always something that's bothered me at least a tiny bit. I mean, it's definitely a first for the series, and makes Billie's powers feel… stagnant and static. She still has my favorite power set, but relying on Bonecharms to upgrade your abilities feels irritating since you're essentially relying on good ol' RNG to get those Specific Bonecharms you like to use the most. It feels almost like a waste of Bonecharm slots to have these "Active Power Upgrade Bonecharms" and "Enhancement Bonecharms", when you could just implement an upgrade system to free up space for more potentially exotic and experimental charms.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I did hear once before that there's apparently a lore reason as to why Billie can't use Runes to upgrade her abilities, but I'm not confident enough in my memory to be totally sure.

    Anyways, enough of my rambling, what do you think about it? Would you rather prefer an Upgrade System being put in place instead of using Bonecharms, or do you think it's fine as it is? How would you structure it, and what Upgrades and Enhancement would you have in mind if you were to decide?

    (I'd also really like it if someone fact checked me on that lore reason mentioned above, now I'm curious if it's true or not.)

    submitted by /u/GundhamTanaka2
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    The royal chambers were open when i started a new game plus

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 01:05 PM PST

    Femboy corvo, lmao

    Posted: 14 Dec 2021 03:22 PM PST

    the knife of dunwall

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 02:02 PM PST

    the knife of dunwall

    So, i have replayed the captain of the industry mission 4 times now, and not once have i achieved low chaos.

    best run so far but still high chaos

    submitted by /u/czManzero
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    I finally completed the first game! It was a lot of fun and i still can't believe that there's so many ways to finish each level. I'd love to know what was the hardest achievement for you and your favorite mission.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 10:47 AM PST


    Posted: 13 Dec 2021 01:36 PM PST

    Why everybody hates the outsider?

    submitted by /u/Gabi_Tabshs
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