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    Wednesday, December 8, 2021

    Dishonored This picture of a parisian street before Haussmann’s renovations beginning in 1853, reminds me alot of Dunwall.

    Dishonored This picture of a parisian street before Haussmann’s renovations beginning in 1853, reminds me alot of Dunwall.

    This picture of a parisian street before Haussmann’s renovations beginning in 1853, reminds me alot of Dunwall.

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 03:16 PM PST

    An absolute banger

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 07:47 PM PST

    I had a stress dream about Dishonored 3 last night

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 04:18 PM PST

    In my dream last night I was playing Dishonored 3 in a non-lethal stealth playthrough. I can't remember any of the details of the game's plot or visuals except for indoor balconies with lush red carpet, which I was climbing around on.

    Something I did alerted everyone right before an autosave, so I went to reload only to discover that there was ONLY ONE SAVE FILE that apparently got overwritten with every autosave, quick save, and manual save. I woke up while I was debating whether I wanted to abandon my stealth playthrough or restart the whole mission.

    Please, Arkane, don't EVER let this dream come true! It was horrible.

    submitted by /u/Vivid_Plantain_6050
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    If I break a dog skull, does that count as killing?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 06:29 PM PST

    Vague ideas about Dishonored 3

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 09:38 PM PST

    I have some theories about what we can expect to see in a new Dishonored game, granted, it'll probably take place some time in the future, but not so far as to remove it from the time of the Kaldwins entirely, hell, it could still be while Emily is ruling, you just only hear about her for world-building / lore reasons.

    With the Abbey gone, there's going to be a need for a new organization to fill that ~void~ Maybe another religious org or maybe something new, maybe without the Abbey... the gangs start taking over, becoming bolder.

    As for the setting, we've seen Dunwall, we've seen Karnaca, we need to go some place new but not some place too different for now, I know that this is likely never going to be an open world series because of Harvey Smith's fan of the linear genre and how hard it is to make an open world game without losing some of the focus on story, so I don't really have a problem with that, but what I'm thinking is, still linear, but there are ~hub~ areas in the world. Kinda like how they did things in Dragon Age: Origins / Inquisition, you can travel to different places in the isles. Kinda like the rail system or a ship but you know, on crack.

    Next up is, I think there's going to be zepplins in the next game, I can just taste it in the back of my throat and it's a little sour but I think it'd be great, imagine shooting down a zepplin? Now, I know Bioshock Infinite had stuff like that, so they'd have to... do it differently, but we can see that the Isles are not only running out of whales (all but extinct), they will need a new power source, they'll need new modes of transportation, and if you read the Veiled Terror you'd agree 100% on this.

    Powers? Sure! It's like in The Flash when people randomly developed them after the explosion, or in the marvel comics world where a very similar thing happened after a very similar explosion, but instead of an explosion, the Void has no more spokesperson and it's just throwing out powers willy-nilly. This is a problem, and maybe some people who are already power-hungry get powers, it bodes very badly, and you, the assassin, are tasked with taking them out.

    What about the Outsider? I 100% believe, and fight me in the comments on this, that the canon ending of DOTO is that Billie rescued him and he is now human, it's the only thing that makes the most thematic sense for the world and her character arc. The Outsider, living as a human in world once more, I'm sure that's totally not important BUT if you wanna make a big deal about it, how... would you feel playing as the Outsider? I know, I know, it's been brought up before, but ~what if~ he was a possible protagonist for the next game? I know that they keep saying "the kaldwin era storyline is over" but the Outsider spans centuries, he would know lots of secrets about the world and the targets, he might still have a tentative connection to the Void and seeing how he would function in the world that's totally different than the world he knew when he was alive, seeing how he would get used to having his OWN powers, idk I just think it'd be interesting is all.

    submitted by /u/sunshinelink
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    “This will come in handy”

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 07:16 PM PST

    I've played Dishonored 2 more times than I can count. Today I pulled out my stop watch and went for a speed run from beginning to end to see if I can beat my best time today (was 7 minutes slower than my fastest time, d'oh). Anyways, for the first time ever, when I grabbed that bar of gold out of the vault at the very beginning, Emily said "this will come in handy." Not once has she ever said that. I've played probably 50 times or more and that was the first time. Usually she (or Corvo) says something along the lines of "even if I could carry it all" yada yada yada. Didn't say that this time. Any idea what triggers the different commentary? Doesn't matter, just wondering why it was different this one time.

    submitted by /u/Old_Goat_Ninja
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    New Player Here

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 02:25 PM PST

    Just started my first Dishonored Playthrough and have completed the first mission. Any tips from here on out?

    submitted by /u/gaming_reed
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