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    Dishonored Am I right, or am I right?

    Dishonored Am I right, or am I right?

    Am I right, or am I right?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 08:23 PM PST


    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 09:22 AM PST

    Dishonored 3 Game Mechanics I'd like to see

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 10:01 PM PST

    I just played through the Dishonored series (round 11) again and I just wanted to riff some ideas that I know would never happen, but god I would love to see if Dishonored 3 ever became a thing (most likely not).

    Here we go:

    Additional abilities (of course):

    Murderous Caw
    Crow's seem to be a common animal in the realm of Dishonored (seen both in Tyvia and Dunwall). Something to do with summoning a flock of crows to either pick yourself and carry forward into a lunging attack, or perhaps pick up and drop an enemy would be incredibly satisfying. Additional upgrade would be Murderous Caw II, allowing yourself to become a part of the lock and 'fly directly at multiple enemies and skewer them, or maybe even just to terrify'. And of course possession of a crow would be incredibly cool (game mechanics would have to ensure this ability couldn't be abused for flying around the map and getting through levels too easily...)

    Void Arc

    Stock standard electrical attack. Basic level is a low level shock that drives enemies backwards or on random occurences causes them to drop unconscious. Void Arc II would be a bit more damaging - could shortwire gateways, automated towers and arc turrets. Perhaps even be used for other electrical items and mechanics in game?

    Sharp Armor

    Activate when an enemy comes too close. Black, void-like spikes emerge from your clothing then retract quickly, damaging anyone coming in too close for a melee attack. Sharp Armor II emerges smaller spikes but also a larger spike in the middle that gives an instant impale of an enemy if aimed correctly.


    Just like casting reanimate in Skyrim. Get a nice dead body to serve your purpose for the next 15 seconds. Unsure what the upgrade for this would be - possibly if you reanimate someone who was a magic -user (Brigmoire Witch, Whaler etc) then when they reanimate they can even use some of their ability on other people. Might be a tad too much for the game but hey, this is all riffing.

    Aura Display

    One thing that sort of annoyed me in the first few games is not knowing if there were NPC's in the mission who could help you unless you went foraging for in game lore. Some people like to do that which is fair, but if you're a player willing to spend runes on an ability that could, perhaps, 'visualise' the aura of people who will either help you, hurt you, or a neutral - then that would be cool. Perhaps when you activate it the world goes black and white except for coloured outlines and you can seek out people with green auras to assist you.

    Ok enough of that! I have some other things to talk about now.

    In Game mechanics:

    Greater focus on unique kills

    I think the one thing Dishonored players love is how creative you can get with the assassinations, and I do believe if Dishonored 3 was released the ability for more creative kills would be practical. Poisonings, bribing/blackmailing other people to help you, creating more in depth plans, using things such as fire and water - I have a feeling that Dishonored 3 would raise the bar on what could be done. Perhaps even being able to set a room on fire and labelling it an 'accidental mishap' and that becoming in-game lore would be fantastic.

    Poisoning & Herbs

    Not everyone will like this, but I love in game sorting and finding herbs and plants to use. I think the history of Dishonored could offer a botanists paradise in terms of flora and fauna to use for poisons, salves, healing items etc etc

    I would like to think that such poisons could be quick kills, slow burns, poisons that make the target pass in their sleep (low level chaos), poisons that render unconsiousness, and then just wacky fun toxins that do things (maybe one that makes the target have to go to the bathroom all night and passes away). Again, could be completely OP but damn it would be fun.

    Open World

    I know for a fact there would be so many who hate this, but I'm a sucker for an open world with fantastic rich lore, if done right. Only problem is that Dishonored is fantastic at the details of mapping and level design, and open world often misses that dynamic, brilliant depth that more carefully laid out levels often have. Could be a hit or a swing and a miss.

    Factional Choices

    Pretty much impossible - but what if I want to, as a character, have multiple options of who to join? Maybe i want to join the City Watch, or some secret black market club and run quests in the flooded district? Maybe I want to join the whalers assassins and learn new tricks or find Delilah's next successor and join the Brigmoire coven. Lot's of potential, pretty much game breaking and way too complex to be included. I can dream :')

    Anyway, feel free to discuss or even say how wrong this all would be. Truth is I love riffing but I love talking about the world of the game even more!

    submitted by /u/RolloutWhitney
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    My first thought was "this looks like some shit from D:DOTO"

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 08:04 PM PST

    Time to lose my will to live on crack in the slab

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 12:19 PM PST

    Drawing of the outsider by me

    Posted: 18 Feb 2022 12:29 AM PST

    So been doing my dishonored 2 high chaos playthrough and been doing good about leaving non hostiles alone until the duke's mansion

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 04:51 AM PST

    I reach his mansion and thought to myself "hey, what irony would he be in if I came in with all my power and killed everyone of his subjects in one of his celebrations then kill him" so I did, just bending time, warping everywhere, twisting robot heads, spawning rats and blood flies blindly killing guards and fancy rich people alike. Can imagine coming to the duke's office, corvo saying "remember what you did that day? Karma is a bitch like Delilah."

    Anyone else run a high chaos like that? Only going postal on non hostiles if they are the duke's guests?

    submitted by /u/MidwesternHeathen
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    Breanna ashworth just threw me

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 11:52 AM PST

    tried to use blink and kick her but she grabs your leg and throws you

    submitted by /u/Catsarebros
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    Lady Boyles last party bugged out

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 08:50 PM PST

    Im doing ghost clean hands at once its been easy but when brisby gives me info on boyles name i cant talk to any of them they just speak normal dialouge im very annoyed i reloaded saves a bunch of times

    submitted by /u/bigtonybruiser
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    Just started Dishonored 2! Any advice?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 11:52 AM PST

    Quick background: I'm not new to this franchise, got my 100% in Dishonored + DLCs so I'd say I'm alright at the game.

    Any tips for hidden achievements I might miss, or veteran tips from players who've played thru this one a few times? I don't mind learning it on my own, but I appreciate any advice 😁

    submitted by /u/thebeardedgreek
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    How long did clockwork Mansion take you to finish

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 03:25 PM PST

    It took me 2hours and 37mins. I killed 4 hostiles (the witches and a poor guard). I brainwashed the inventor guy whatever he was called.

    I'm interested to hear about your stats.

    submitted by /u/Oscar5434xdx
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    Any way to change the viewmodel in D2 to one without the hand wrap?

    Posted: 17 Feb 2022 02:16 AM PST

    Recently played D2 no powers and I much prefer the model where your hand isn't covered the whole game. Is there a known way to change the hand model to from just after you're marked so the mark is visible and present when you play?

    submitted by /u/Lightning_97
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